Generate game-like situations to train skills and strategies needed when the pressure is on. This drill helps improve decision-making and gives players opportunities to defend different types of hits. It also allows athletes to practice their baserunning.
Purpose: To improve decision-making skills and practice defending different types of hits and baserunner scenarios in a game-like way.
How it works: Have your team play seven innings with three outs per inning. To start each play, the pitcher should go through the pitching motion without actually throwing a ball. A coach at the plate starts each play by fungo hitting to simulate different types of hits (line drives, pop flies, bunts, slaps, balls through the gaps, cuts, etc.). A runner standing next to the coach simulates the batter running the bases after the hit. Mix up each new play so players see a variety of hits and scenarios once players get on base.
Variations: Add an extra level of difficulty by leaving the runners on base even when they get out.
Requirements: Nine or more players, gloves, a coach, softballs and a field
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