Watch as our panel discusses athlete mental health and social media - the good, the bad and how to help your athletes avoid the pitfalls.
Featured Panelists
- Kirk Walker, UCLA Softball Assist. Coach, former USA Softball Assist. Coach
- Victoria Garrick, former DI Volleyball Player, TED Talk Speaker, Social Media Influencer & Mental Health Advocate
- Diane Flick-Williams, Western Washington Volleyball Head Coach
- Moderated by Terry Liskevych, former U.S. Volleyball WNT Head Coach ('85-'96)
Additional Resources
- Netflix documentary: The Social Dilemma (Read the NY Times review)
- TIME Article: How Social Media is a Toxic Mirror
- TEDxRyersonU Talk by Bailey Parnell: Is Social Media Hurting Your Mental Health?
- TEDxUSC Talk by Victoria Garrick: Athletes and Mental Health: The Hidden Opponent (Victoria talks specifically about social media at 11:00)
- NCAA Mental Health Campaign
- P/ATH Sports: Kelsey Plum discussing Healthy Social Media Habits
- Statistica infographic: The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health
- Victoria Garrick on Fox LA: The Dark Side of Social Media "Perfection"
- Victoria Garrick's Instagram posts on social media and body image
- UNC Uncut: A platform for student-athletes to share their stories and struggles.